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Grants: News

2020 Grants

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Education: Funding BEETLES ' development of a Nature Videography outdoor science activity for use at Outdoor Education and Nature Centers involving children taking slow-motion phone videos to make observations impossible with the naked eye.

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Regenerative Agriculture: Supporting construction of 200m² of Marine Permaculture floating arrays to demonstrate sustainable seaweed harvests and other ecosystem services traditionally provided by seaweed ecosystems.

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Education: Supporting an analysis of current state and federal policy related to climate change education and report on recommendations for improving climate change education in formal and nonformal institutions.

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Regenerative Agriculture: Funding a year-long cohort of Upper Midwest leaders committed to learning, acting, and supporting each other in order to advance racial equity and an overall stronger, more inclusive regenerative agriculture movement.

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Education: Supporting Rewrite the Future, NRDC’s initiative designed to broaden and diversify the environmental movement through the power of stories in our entertainment, and drive people from awareness to action on the climate crisis.

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Regenerative Agriculture: Supporting capacity development, to include governance, project planning, and fundraising, for a global network advancing gender equity and regenerative agriculture practices in smallholder farms.

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Education/Gender Equity: Supporting SEGA Girls’ Secondary School, a secondary boarding school for girls which provides a quality education for vulnerable Tanzanian girls, with an emphasis on leadership, social responsibility, and environmental care.


Innovation: Supporting the 'Azolla Ventures' fund, which aggregates catalytic capital for
investment in companies that have significant potential to combat and meaningfully impact the adverse
effects of climate change.


Regenerative Agriculture:  Supporting FORA as a Founding Funder with general operating support for the first five years. Also funding for the

.PEER fund : Promoting Ecological and  Economic Resilience, promoting regionalized, just, and regenerative food and fiber supply chains. 


Gender Equity: Providing funding to mobilize support for gender-just & environmentally sound solutions and enhanced access to climate finance for women and local communities innovating with solar co-ops, agroecology and seed-saving, clean cookstove initiatives and rainwater harvesting technology.

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Changemakers: Funding the selection and work of Ashoka Climate Fellows working in South and Southeast Asia on the most important big system-change ideas to re-balance our relationship with the planet.

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Education/Regenerative Agriculture: Supporting Kiss the Ground’s Farmland Program, which offers the support Farmers need to succeed in their transition to regenerative agriculture.

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Regenerative Agriculture/Education: Supporting the development of the Maples Farm as a 'learning lab' to train new farmers. The 30-acre Maples farm will serve as an incubator to help new farmers start farms based on regenerative agriculture principles.


Gender Equity: Resourcing climate justice movements building local resilience and addressing the root causes of climate change, particularly solutions led by women, Indigenous Peoples, youth, and peasants.

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Gender Equity and Climate: Supporting the Women's Environmental Action Initiative to strengthen their grassroots projects that promote women's climate justice leadership.

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Innovation: Funding a fellowship empowering hard science innovators in clean energy and climate technology with the resources needed to translate ideas from lab to first product. 

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Regenerative Agriculture/ Education:  Contributing to the Jalama Ranch Capital Campaign to purchase 1,000 acres in the California central coast for development as a center for regenerative agriculture with programming in education, training, and research.

Regenerative Agriculture: Supporting development of an agricultural hub in the Midwest U.S. to create and implement a systems-informed strategy on regenerative agriculture as a method to reduce the threat of climate change.


Innovation: Contributing to VertueLab's Climate Impact Fund I, which will invest in early-stage Pacific Northwest clean technology start-ups in an effort to reduce 20 million metric tons of GHG emissions by 2050.

Regenerative Agriculture: Supporting the Soil Carbon Initiative (SCI) by assembling case studies of farmers with robust soil health systems, conducting Farmer-to-Farmer learning, and creating a commitment program for brands to source from suppliers that meet SCI standards.


Innovation: Supporting general operations, including the construction and capitalization of a blended pool of philanthropic, catalytic, and market-rate capital to invest in breakthrough climate change solutions over the subsequent 15 years. 

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